The Zulu Day Project

The Zulu Day Project is going to be a specific period of time in which as many humans around the globe will simultatiously dedicate 4 minutes of time at the predetermined time to simple quiet prayer.

The date & time of the project is 11:11 a.m. NOVEMBER 11th, 2011.

This time will be called "ZULU TIME", and it will be syncronized to begin at 11:11 a.m. at The International Date Line, globally.

There will be a chart provided as time goes on to place your prayer in syncronization with the rest of the world.


Even you athiest's and agnostics can get in on the action. We humbly request that you people do absolutly NOTHING for the 4 minutes of Zulu Time.

We don't want any information from anyone, we simply want as many peoples words as possible that they will participate in ZULU DAY.



Thursday, November 18, 2010

In Giving Thanks

And as we get closer to a day dedicated to giving thanks, here is the final installment of Cheif Golden Eagles instruction.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chief Golden Eagle Part 3

We are one calender year out from Zulu Day! To commemorate this day, I am pleased to post part 3 of Chief Golden Eagles message of 11:11. This video will begin to bring it all into focus for you who can accept this way.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Here Is My Inspiration For 11:11 am

Hau miya tiospaye,
I would like to share with you the exact reason for the 11:11 time line. Meet Chief Golden Eagle. He has been tasked with the teaching of the 11 Spiritual, and the 11 Universal laws given to us by the Star Nations from Orion. They, the Orion's, have been selected to bring us back to our original purpose.
I will post a video every couple of days or so from this course he teaches. I have attended Inipi Ceremony with this man, and have seen for myself what it is we have the potential for. But we must change NOW! Time IS relevant here.
Be well all,
Mitakuye Oyasin!
The Thinker

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Zulu Day Project: Finding THE Place

The Zulu Day Project: Finding THE Place: "I so look forward to the solitude of The Inipi on Zulu Day. Not always does one get to experience the beauty that is purification of mind, b..."

Finding THE Place

I so look forward to the solitude of The Inipi on Zulu Day. Not always does one get to experience the beauty that is purification of mind, body, & Spirit. I have it in there. In the 4 minutes of dedicated prayer, we will be afforded the luxury to focus on our species for 3/4 of the time. It's what I am intending, but may not be what is happening when I add mine to yours on that day. The shedding of expectations are the biggest hurdle thus far. I am confident that if I make it to that day in this carbon form, I'll accomplish the complete elimination of expectations. But then again...Isn't that expectation in itself?
Be well all,
The Thinker

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Practice Prayer

As we spin through the confines of time into the spatial proximity of Zulu Day, it would only serve anyone who is a believer in anything to practice and practice alot. Practice what? Well prayer my fine audience. Prayer.
Shed the B.S. and lies and go to your Creator NOW! Practice. You cannot lie in prayer, so please fellow species, pray now. Everyone is so caught up in lie, that we have forgotten our way. Rather forsaken is a more adequate description.
If you are Buddhist pray.If you are Hindu, or Muslim, pray together. Anyone who has Druid remembrance, pray in your way. Natives of South America, we need you in this. Africa! Join us ALL! If you are Jewish, pray. If you Sun Dance, please pray. If you are Evangelical, Mormon, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Orthodox, Jesuit, Jehovah's Witness, or any other thought to a higher power, please pray on Zulu Day. 11/11/11 11:11am @ International Date Line.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And Just Who Do We Think We Are?

There seems to be some sort of understanding on the part of human beings that to minimize an act that has been done in order to not see what the overall consequence are is acceptable. 
If as a species we are to become accepted in a wider range of dimensional societies, then we as a species must become totally honest with ourselves first. 
To be able to approach our Creator with clean hands and straight eyes. This should be our focus.
I encourage everyone to purge the lies in your lives. All of them. You better be prepared for the consequences of doing so. 
To purge is to start new. Acknowledgement is the first step. Identify the thing that is the lie, and acknowledge it. Then use the truth to discern the facts left as either truth or lie. Eliminate the lies first, and then perhaps we will be accepted by our universal family.
Be well all,
The Thinker

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Things I am going to do...

As we race through the 24 hour periods that lead eventually to Zulu Day, I have decided that I need to prepare for this 4 minutes of intense prayer. I have to adjust to think of love and healing rather than the status quot of turning a blind eye. We, the species who claim superior status amongst Mitakuye Oyasin! Me. That is who it is up to. 
My good friend Christopher R. Coppola taught this to me unbeknown to him.
Be well all,
The Thinker

Monday, September 13, 2010

This is a great album. Very good on the ears and spirit.

Douglas Blue Feather
Be well all,
The Thinker

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Places To Begin Considering...

Now that we have defined "The Zulu Day Project", and set parameters, we have a full year to consider an appropriate location for this 4 minutes we will be addressing our Higher Power, Creator.
I came across this CNN I-Report story of a very desolate place that would be great for the extremist's to consider as a place to connect.
Me? The Thinker will be in an Inipi Ceremony praying with all of my heart. Where? Who knows. But I will be asking the person who taught me the Iktomi Wac'api Wakan 11:11 principals to pour water for us who attend.
Chief Golden Eagle? I will Opagi you in respect to this request.
Be well all,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Get Involved

On this day of 9/11/2010 I ask all who come to this blog become a follower and track The Zulu Day Project. One year and 2 months till Zulu Time!!!

Be well all,

Friday, September 10, 2010

Need A Reason To Pray?

It is imperative that as many humans pray on Zulu Day as possible. If I can convince the entire human species to do this, we all shall be heard and responded to by whatever, whoever, however, & where ever.
This thing is universal people.
A reason to pray....
The photo above is of our Sun. The image is courtesy of The Big Bear Lake Observatory, solar telescope. It is the size of our planet, and could wipe out the entire electrical grid of our planet in the blink of an eye.
We have damaged our planet so much, we better pray that Unc'i Maka's (Mother Earth) big brother, Sun don't throw a 103 MPH fast ball of plasma at us!
Now thats a cosmic reason to pray on Zulu Day!
Be well all,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

This Is The Thinkers Reasoning Behind Zulu Day

I'd like all of you to meet Priya. The person who's Father inspired my part in Zulu Day.


After sharing with the nearest friends and visitors to my home, I have discovered that the Zulu Day will be held on a time and day that was a symbol of peace, but in the form of killing many millions of people. Armastice Day, also known as Rememberance Day. It was inaugurated November 11th at 11:11 a.m. in the year 1918.
The Zulu Day Project will transcend the afore mentioned day
in the aspect that we are asking that all who pray on Zulu Day devote a word to The Earth as a being. An apology.
Be well all,

Countdown Begins

If you made it here your on Zulu Time. Welcome.
We need all of you to spread the word about this first of it's kind moment in time.
GO! Hit send alot!
Be well,